Car and truck accidents often result in very serious injuries. Whether it's a broken bone requiring a cast or a serious brain/head injury, car and truck accident injuries can lead to significant damages such as time lost from work and expensive medical bills. Truck accidents are much more complicated than regular auto accidents. Multiple parties may be held responsible, multiple insurance companies may be involved, and there are many factors which can determine fault. Because trucks are commercial vehicles, there are many more laws, and types of laws, which apply to accidents involving trucks than simple auto accidents. With the complexity surrounding trucking accidents, you may have questions you want answered.
Due to the complex nature of truck accidents, only experienced truck accident attorneys have the knowledge to effectively pursue a truck accident lawsuit. If you or a loved one has been involved in a truck accident anywhere in Chicago, then call attorney Don Jaburek, an experienced Chicago truck accident attorney at 312-644-6200 and schedule your free case evaluation and consultation today.
Contact Details:
One east wacker drive
Suite 620
Chicago Illinois 60601
Phone: 312-644-6200