Wanted Fashion Designers, and Artist. - Chicago - Arts jobs, entertainment jobs, media jobs, Chicago - 596220


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Wanted Fashion Designers, and Artist. - Arts jobs, entertainment jobs, media jobs

Ref. number: 596220 Updated: 26-04-2011 01:47

Wanted: Arts jobs, entertainment jobs, media jobs in United States, Illinois, Chicago

Are you a Fashion Designer, Artist, or Have Something Unique to Sell? Are you trying to Advertise & Market Globally? Are you trying to establish Name Recognition Globally? OnlyMeWorld.com is proud to announce “J’adore la mode”, which simply means “I Love Fashion” • Display your Fashion Designs, Art, and Unique Products to a Global Market. • Link directly back to your website, or store. • Interact with other like minded Networker(s) in your industry. • Connect with Facebook and Other Social Networking Sites, driving traffic to your products. Plus Much, More! Absolutely Free! OnlyMeWorld is a social networking service and website launced in April 2011, operated and privately owned by OnlyMeWorld, llc. Member(s) may create a unique profile and be matched with other like minded networkers, add other member(s), exchange messages, including automatic notifications when updating their profiles. Additionally, users may join common interest member groups, organized by school or college, organizations, and other characteristics. Last, member(s) are able to use a Video Phone, Post Ads, Sell Products and Services, Both View and Share Photos and Videos, and much more! onlymeworld.com

Contact information
First name: Carlson
Last name: Yamamoto
Phone number: 8083488065
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